Have you ever wished you could quickly attach perfectly shaped, dazzling white front surfaces to your teeth? Guess what? You can! With porcelain veneers, you can eliminate smile imperfections in just one visit to your extraordinary Englewood cosmetic dental office.
The state-of-the art porcelain veneer is one of the most versatile items in a cosmetic dentist’s toolbox. Veneers turn unattractive smiles into stunning smiles with minimal disruption to existing tooth structure. They are quicker and usually less expensive than complete crowns in Englewood but are made with the same durable, translucent porcelain.
It’s no that wonder that a very large percentage of people in the public eye have porcelain veneers. An actress can receive a perfect smile in the morning and appear on a talk show that evening. A supermodel can permanently remedy a discolored tooth rapidly and pose for photos right after leaving her dental office. A local television news anchor can have his teeth perfectly aligned in a couple hours and report Ohio news that same day.
We are Dr. Lou and Dr. Nick Vitangeli in Englewood, Ohio.We have completed hundreds of veneer placements – alone and in combination with crowns, inlays, onlays, and tooth implants for dramatic smile makeovers. Perhaps you should reflect on veneers as the best way to achieve your dazzling smile.
Let’s talk. Our office can be reached at 937-836-3565